My Life, My Stories is a non-profit that shares the life legacies of older adults through the power of intergenerational relationships.

Connie and Karen

“Telling these stories is helping me believe and see that there is a tomorrow.”

— Ms. Hines, author


Our vision

Our vision at My Life, My Stories is to build relationships between the young and the old to create a more empathetic and connected community.

Alex and Brittany

Get involved

We're always in need of volunteers to meet with authors to help create their memoir. Many of our volunteers have formed life-long friendships with their senior authors. The benefits of participating in our program go well beyond the required 4-month commitment. Complete our application today!

The project has enriched my life in numerous ways. The ability to connect, to be heard and genuinely received; nourishes, reassures and sustains me. Knowing my legacy is available for my family and others to read and share is a rare gift.
— Karen, author

Follow us on Instagram @mylifemystoriesorg